Tourist Attraction
Fukagawa Shichi-Fukujin Tour

Shichifukujin Meguri is a practice of making a meguri, or pilgrimage, to shrines and temples of all the Shichifukujin (Seven Deities of Good Fortune) around the New Year holiday, to pray for good luck and safety for the year.
The Shichifukujin Meguri is said to have begun from the 'Yanaka Shichifukujin Meguri' in the Bunka-Bunsei period, and then became popular in Tokyo especially from the end of the Meiji era to the beginning of the Showa era. Although it was shortly suspended due to the war damage, Fukagawa resumed the 2-hour pilgrimage tour in 1970 and is gaining popularity.
Why don't you visit once to pray for good luck at the beginning of the year?
The opening date is from 1st to 15th January, from 8am to 5pm. Good luck items such as colored papers, bamboos and bells are gained within this period. In addition, orange banner-flags are set up as a mark of direction in this period.
- Address
- 恵比須神
- 富岡八幡宮
- 富岡1-20-3
- 03-3642-1315
- 弁財天
- 冬木弁天堂
- 冬木22-31
- ー
- 福禄寿
- 心行寺
- 深川12-16-7
- 03-3641-2566
- 大黒天
- 円珠院
- 平野1-13-6
- 03-3641-0491
- 毘沙門天
- 龍光院
- 三好2-7-5
- 03-3642-3437
- 布袋尊
- 深川稲荷社
- 清澄2-12-12
- 03-3641-8059
- 寿老神
- 深川神明宮
- 森下1-3-17
- 03-3631-5548
- Web
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